Sunday, January 18, 2015

GLE week 16

N for name. We learned about the 12 followers of Jesus and how he called them by name to be his disciples. 

Tracing his name with crayons

I wrote our names out and we picked a letter of that letter was in our name we kept it til we had our whole name. 

Then we hid all the letters and we had to find them. He loves hiding and finding things. 
Coloring the disciples

Shaving cream fun. 

Was kind of hard to trace in it. 
Writing his name. Upper case is how he usually writes it so I had him practice in lower case. 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

GLE week 15

 D- for dessert. We learned about John the Baptist. 

We did letter d practice
Number matching with marshmallows. 

Eating them at the end was the best part;)
We made lots of cactuses with play doh and rice. Callen loved this. 
Our dessert
John the Baptist eating grasshoppers and wild honey. 

It was callens idea to go and buy a cactus. He remembered seeing them over the summer. I thought it was a good idea! So I encouraged one that wasn't too prickly;)