Tuesday, November 25, 2014

GLE wk 10

He loved this, the best part was eating them at the end:) 


Making a tambourine 

GLE week 10

K for king. 

We did some patterns
Then made a crown

He had fun with his crown throughout the week. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sick week

We took last week off, as callen had a fever one day, drs appt another, park play date one day and his miserable lingering cough. We did lots of glueing and stuff like that. 
And did a bunch of our busy bins. 

Cooking and baking class too;) he loves that vegetable peeler. He was a great helper making chicken soup. 
Some pages in one of his books. He did awesome with patterns!! It was so cute seeing him understand and get it! 
Started with some turkey crafts too. 

David and Goliath

We had a David and Goliath battle. He wanted to be Goliath. And picked a pillow for his shield. 

Next he was David. I made him a little bag for his "rocks" and sling shot out of felt. 

Rocks and r's

Painting with rocks 

Exploring rocks
Painting rocks 

Finding r's

GLE week 9

R for rock. We learned about David and Goliath. How David used a rock and a sling to conquer the giant. 

Making our Goliath! 

9 feet tall! 

R practice

Letter 4 this week